
Monday, May 21, 2012


This weekend husband and I went to the VW Van Show here in town.
Son2 loves VW Vans and got us interested in them.
I had no idea there were so many types of these vans.  Everything from trucks, campers, passenger and hauling types.
I especially loved the people that made a little scenario with there van.  
The vans at this show were from 1950 to 1979.
Husband has decided that we need to purchase one of the camper VW's and take a cross country trip in it.
  I am not worried about this latest quest of his. 
 Only about 95% of his crazy ideas actually happen.
This was my favorite van. 
 It is a 1963 model. 
 Don't you just love the matching luggage in the back? 
 We talked to the owner who is from Kentucky. 
 Quite a lot went into restoring this. 
 This is one of 13 he owns!

Did you do anything interesting this weekend?
Go on a cross country trip in a VW Van perchance???


Jodi said...

I love these old vintage vans.. I used to have a VW pop top camper van in the early 90's and I travelled all through the US in it..was so awesome EXCEPT of course, it broke down all the time!! LOL was part of the experience though and I sure met alot of interesting mechanics along the way!!
Mine was like the lime green one in the photo!!!
sounds like you had fun!! oxo Jodi

Anonymous said...

It might be a crazy idea, but you have to admit, it would be AWESOME! Those vans are so cool!

Rebecca said...

Those old VW vans are really fin.

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Old vans bring back memories and smiles!! Looks like a fun event.

AJ said...

How fun!! My daughter use to have a VW van...it was the cutest thing. What a fun event!

AJ said...

How fun!! My daughter use to have a VW van...it was the cutest thing. What a fun event!

LyddieGal said...

oh my gosh, i hope you do get the mint green one, it would be so awesome.
Chic on the Cheap

Style-Delights said...

LOVE the VW vans!! And LOL at your comment about your husband's ideas not happening in real life! :-) Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style-Delights Blog

Leslie said...

First major CRUSH .. I had a boyfriend back in the late seventies and this is what he owned! Looks like fun :)

Simply Bubblelicious said...

Oh my goodness... So Jeally! I have a bug and miss my dad's VW van, I use to love that thing!!

Northern Style Exposure said...

Cute photos

Love from Canada!

Northern Style exposure

Cara said...

This makes me smile, I loved VW everything in my teen years, I collected so many models. I love the pick-up one and your favorite too. Two-tone green = awesome.

We saw a lot of baseball this weekend, my team beat my husband's - wahoo!

Unknown said...

Wow, this looks so cool! My parents had a yellow bug back in the day. I like the seafoam van, too. The matching luggage is a definite plus!

Unknown said...

Oh how fun! i have always wanted a vee-wee! (that's what the hubby used to call them as a kid)

Anonymous said...

Hi, thank you for your comments on my blog. I really appreciate it!
I spent the weekend taking care of my mother after she had knee surgery. A surgery I very well will have to be doing one day.
Just wanted to tell you how much I like your hair. It's really pretty!

I do love the VW Vans, but I owned two Bugs back in the day.

Shybiker said...

Cool. Back in the Sixties, my family went camping in a VW camper. The top popped up and an awning extended sideways. It was fun for a family with two small boys.

Bravoe Runway said...

I love vintage cars! These are all really nicely restored and I can't believe that gentleman owns 13 vw vans!

Unknown said...

These are actually adorable and have such character and charm! I hope you do buy one- imagine the fun 70s outfits you could wear!