That means we are closer to consistently warmer weather, closer to the end of the 30 for 30 and closer to those fabulous spring fashions out there!
Seriously though I can't believe tomorrow is March 2011. Where does the time go? I'll tell you where it went this weekend. It stood still or at least felt like it did Saturday morning. Nothing is more bizarre than waking up to no electricity in your house. You are kind of in a time warp when you first wake up and no clock is blinking in front of your eyes telling you what time it is. There is no coffee or tea to be made, no oatmeal to heat up, you can't even smooth your unruly bangs before running out somewhere for breakfast.
Luckily, we were only out of power for about 4 hours. Heck, son2 didn't even know we were out of power when he woke up.
The power outage really messed with our computers and they are finally back up and running correctly. Well, we still can't type on one of them, crazy huh?
But now it is catch up time for the Remix:
I wore this out on Saturday night.
It is not a whole lot different than the last time I wore it.
Honestly, when we left the house it was quite warm out and I just couldn't handle the way I thought I was going to wear this.
This is a striped down version.
Looking at it now,
I wish I would have worn my lace tights instead of these pattern ones.
This is my outfit for today.
I am seriously running out of creativity on how to wear these clothes.
This is my black t over the button up. I thought, why not?
We wear t's under button ups all the time, why not switch it around?
It was so windy out today that it was almost impossible to get pictures.
They are talking major storms here tonight.
Well, only 5 more days of remixing and I can't promise you that any of the rest of it will even make sense! It is hard enough to do by itself, but factoring in that is was actually cold when I picked out these clothes and it hasn't really been cold for the past week or so makes it doubly hard.
So be sure and check back tomorrow to see what crazy combo I can come up with.

wow, i love that first blue dress and the necklace you paired with it is beautiful! and i'm so happy that warmer weather is here (hopefully to stay) now!
cute and little
enter my Vintage Scarf giveaway!
I really like that blue wrap dress.
Love that dress. It's very flattering!
You know I like the black tee over the button down and you know what else? I get what you're saying about running out of options, so you go "hmmm...I haven't worn these two things together yet...that will work! I wore a black sleeveless knit top over a cream long sleeve knit top Sunday. Thankfully, there are only TWO MORE DAYS!!
That dress is going to be mine. I'm going to come to your house and steal it. You should be sick of it by now anyway, right?
The structure of the blue dress is so flattering! It is a beautiful color!
Your Saturday night dress is beautiful. Who is it made by?
The challenge is getting so difficult but you look great! I really love the second outfit- can't go wrong with a t over a button down! Electricity outtages make me realize how we take electricity for granted! xo
We've had a lot of wind this winter as well. I'm thankful we haven't had massive amounts of snow. At least when the wind stops it stops. With snow it hangs around...
We have the worst power company in the world. If outages persist too long I'm on the back deck with my propane camping stove. Hot water can work miracles.
I'm looking forward to getting my tan pants out. They've been packed away since fall but I think it's nearly time for them to re-appear.
I love the dress on you!! And the necklace adds a classy touch! And I'm in for layering with anything available!!
I seriously applaud you for doing a 30 for 30! You've been doing a great job!! I must admit I considered giving it a whirl, and then quickly realized I wouldn't last a week. Maybe I could do a 300 for 30?? Hehe ;)
I'm so with you on the time thing. I can't believe it's already March!
All of your outfits have been really lovely, methinks. It doesn't even seem like you're remixing...everything always seems new and fresh.
P.S. I love how you refer to your son as "son2." I bet he'd love that if he saw it!
aren't you so glad it's almost over.
your comment made me laugh. So funny.
aren't you so glad it's almost over.
your comment made me laugh. So funny.
The challenge is getting so difficult but you look great! I really love the second outfit- can't go wrong with a t over a button down! Electricity outtages make me realize how we take electricity for granted! xo
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