No, I didn't just recently take a trip. I am referring to my favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie.
Yesterday, I was the guest poster over on Ralph's blog as he posted over here.
I thought you might be interested in what I posted over there, if you didn't get a chance to stop by and check it out.
My topic was Alfred Hitchcock films.
My youngest son(17 now) and I started a movie tradition of watching all of the Alfred Hitchcock movies that are available on DVD. My son is an avid movie lover and I wanted to acquaint him with older, classic movies. I think that the fabulous writing styles and camera styles of that period are pretty much lost on today’s films. I wanted my son to have an appreciation for this type of movie making.
Alfred Hitchcock was born in Leytonston, England in 1899. His career began in 1919 as an illustrator for title cards for silent films. He had many jobs within the film industry before he began producing and directing his own movies. His first movie was in silent films in 1925, called The Pleasure Garden. In 1926, his breakthrough film The Lodger, became the prototype of the classic Hitchcock plot... an innocent protagonist is falsely accused of a crime and becomes involved in a web of intrigue.
This formula led Hitchcock to become known as the Master of the thriller genre that he virtually invented. His films draw on fear and fantasy and are also known for their droll humor. Hitchcock has a distinct and recognizable directorial style. He perfected a way to mimic a person's gaze with the camera, forcing the viewer to engage in a form of voyeurism. He was a master at being able to frame shots to manipulate the audiences feelings of anxiety, fear and empathy. His films are known for their “twist” endings and sexual undertones.
Mr. Hitchcock always uses the “ice” blond stereotype for his leading ladies. His favorites being, Grace Kelly and Kim Novac. His favorite leading men were James Stewart and Cary Grant. He is also known for his cameo appearances in each film he made.
Mr. Hitchcock made 53 films in his lifetime. His most inspired period is recognized as the period between 1950 and 1960. Those films include: I Confess, Dial for Murder, To Catch A Thief, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Trouble With Harry and Strangers On A Train.
As a Fashion Blogger, it would be remiss of me not to mention the fabulous fashions in Hitchcock movies. The women wore divine clothing as well as the men. Hitchcock worked closely with his costume designers and was very specific about the clothing that his leading ladies wore. He was always trying to portray a certain look or meaning, even it it meant how a scarf was placed or a certain color that was worn.
I hope that this little blurb has inspired you to go and check out a Hitchcock film if you have never seen one. Most of the films out on DVD have been digitally remastered and have commentaries by actors or other people working on that particular film. His daughter, who was also in several of his films, does commentary on many of the DVDs as well. Hitchcock kept everything, so it is fascinating to see storyboards, handwritten direction and even old receipts.
I promise I will back tomorrow with mucho outfit posts as I am a couple of days behind in posting them.
Now go out and rent a Hitchcock DVD!
Now go out and rent a Hitchcock DVD!

I haven't seen that movie, but I think my husband recently bought a bunch of Hitchcock movies on DVD so I might have to check it out.
I am such a huge Hitchcock fan! One of my favorites is Trouble With Harry! It is sooo good. and most people don't know he did a comedy...ok, its a dark comedy.
Love the pictures in the post!
I agree with you...the fashions in these movies were fabulous...but Grace Kelly in a tow sack would be fabulous...I still am tormented at night by visions of THE BIRDS!!!
I hope people take your advice -- Hitchcock's films are among the most skilled and entertaining flicks in the history of the cinema. And I love spotting his cameo-appearances!
My step dad just got a collection of Hitchcock dvd's for Christmas, and while I'm not complaining about my own gift, a collection of Audrey Hepburn movies, I can't wait to borrow his newest dvd additions. I figured I'd give him until March to get through them before I asked to temporarily steal them. ;)
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